Beautiful equations.


E = MC^2

The faster you move, the heavier you get.

F_G = \frac{GM_1M_2}{R^2}

The greater the distance, the lesser the force of attraction.


The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time.

S = \frac{C^3KA}{4\hslash{G}}

Information entering black holes, are lost forever.

S = K_{\log}W

The tendency to move from order to disorder, increases as time progresses.

F = \frac{KQ_1Q_2}{R^2}

Opposite charges attract, similar charges repel.

\LaTeX | MathJax

PS : ↑ In order to display math — on my Tumblr — I need to escape the \ you see in front of these symbols: [, ], ( and ) ‽


Display math

\(Use math inline \)

How weird is that ?


secrets of twilight

theartofanimation :

Dan Mumford


Steve Martin began his career in Disneyland… as a magician.




When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain are lighting up at once as they process sound, take it apart to understand elements like melody and rhythm, and then put it all back together into unified musical experience. And our brains do all this work in the split second between when we first hear the music and when our foot starts to tap along. 

From the TED-Ed lesson How playing an instrument benefits your brain – Anita Collins

Animation by Sharon Colman Graham

Love this quote: “Playing music is the brain’s equivalent of a full body workout.”


Oliver the Dog and Arashi the Cat: the cutest best friends ever!

Photos by ©izumiechan – Via BuzzFeed


cyber warp [hq]


The Boomerang Nebula is a beautifully symmetrical cloud of rapidly expanding gas and dust. The molecules have cooled down greatly from the time they were part of the central star, to the point of being only about one degree above 0 Kelvin, making this one of the coldest known locations in the observable universe. 

Credit: Hubble Heritage TeamJ. Biretta (STScI) et al., (STScI/AURA), ESANASA

For more astronomy, check out


Boba Fett Watches Over the City

Image by Nerd herdr

Get to know me meme: (1/5) favourite movies » Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good; Mischief managed!”


Haters gonna hate. #Thanos


the year is 2046. no one has memed in 15 years since king obama the third make memeing illegal. in the dystopian suburbs of fort lauderdale, sixteen year-old Dogecoin de Grasse Sagan found a sexy fedora in an trash dumpster. he put it on and it made a sweet anime noise. he knew then he, was destined to bring memes back to this stupid idiot planet. he looked at the camera and goes “u mad, world?”





Bees are nature’s 3D printer

Fucking bees are the best.

Fuck yes they are.

what the actual fuck bees. why are you engineering geniuses


For the first time in more than a decade, the Metropolitan Museum’s seventeen van Gogh paintings are all on view at once. Peter Schjeldahl reflects on his visit:

“I wasn’t alone with them. You seldom are with van Goghs. Dozens of people were looking, while, in a neighboring room, one or two or no viewers at a time paused among twenty-two paintings by Cezanne.”

Above: “Wheat Field with Cypresses” (1889). Courtesy Metropolitan Museum of Art.

