Beautiful equations.


E = MC^2

The faster you move, the heavier you get.

F_G = \frac{GM_1M_2}{R^2}

The greater the distance, the lesser the force of attraction.


The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time.

S = \frac{C^3KA}{4\hslash{G}}

Information entering black holes, are lost forever.

S = K_{\log}W

The tendency to move from order to disorder, increases as time progresses.

F = \frac{KQ_1Q_2}{R^2}

Opposite charges attract, similar charges repel.

\LaTeX | MathJax

PS : ↑ In order to display math — on my Tumblr — I need to escape the \ you see in front of these symbols: [, ], ( and ) ‽


Display math

\(Use math inline \)

How weird is that ?

Benefits of LaTeX – Getting to grips with LaTeX – Andrew Roberts

PSA: I’ll keep it short this time… 1 😉

Like so many of you, I use tumblr’s mobile app too, and I noticed (understatement implied lol) how garbled up it looked on my mobile’s dash. I think—from now on—if I got a lot of sourcecode (source-code, source code, sourcecode, or whatever) to post, then I’ll just head on over to my WordPress’ account, and post it there.

In the meantime… I’d like to point out this nice gentleman’s website. 2 Who’s so much better at explaining what (LaTeX) is – and how you can use it to your advantage – than I ever can! 🙂

As for me. I’ve spend some time—the last 2 weeks—in getting acquainted with markdown 3, and I’ve looked into pandoc as well. 4 ← Both with “varying” results, might I add. 😉

Benefits of LaTeX – Getting to grips with LaTeX – Andrew Roberts

Inline vs. Display mode.

The differences between (LaTeX) inline mode, and (LaTeX) display mode, can easily be demonstrated. 😉

Like so:

This is inline mode: (a^2+b^2=c^2)

This is inline mode: \(a^2+b^2=c^2\)


This is display mode:


This is display mode:


This is too, but probably will get neglected:


This is too, but probably will get neglected:


Because why? Because the “”, hasn’t been properly ‘escaped’. This is how to properly escape the “” on a(ny) web-page/publishing platform: \ ← It’s the html entity for “” in hex notation. 😉

Other “nasties” to keep a look out for are, including—but not limited to— the following characters:

The infamous angle brackets

  • &lt; < and &gt; >
  • The open and closing symbol for every html element, one can possibly dream of! 😀
  • They are—among things—used to give web-masters headaches, especially when the need arises to display them/present them.

The ampersand

  • &amp; &
  • Used to display the &—on the web—as it has special meaning when used as stand alone character.
  • They are—among things—used to give web-masters headaches, especially when the need arises to display them/present them.

I’ve already mentioned the “”

The backslash

  • \ (hex)
  • Used to display the —on the web—very useful when presenting long lines of code – neatly wrapped up – for readability.
  • They are—among things—used to give web-masters headaches, especially when the need arises to display them/present them.

The apostrophe

  • &apos; ‘, or ' (dec) ‘, or &#x27 (hex) ‘;
  • Not to be confused with these: ‘ ’ (&lsquo; and &rsquo; respectively.)
  • They are—among things—used to give web-masters headaches, especially when the need arises to display them/present them.

The quote

  • &quot; “, or " (dec) “, or " (hex) “
  • Not to be confused with these: “ ” (&ldquo; and &rdquo; respectively.)
  • They are—among things—used to give web-masters headaches, especially when the need arises to display them/present them.

This all brings me to the following part of this post… 😉

Separation of content and style

Not the most obvious advantage, possibly because a lot of Word users don’t understand why this so beneficial. When producing your LaTeX document, you are concentrating on the content itself. You introduce structure explicitly by telling LaTeX when a new section begins, for example, but you don’t then faff around trying to decide how the section headers should look. That’s done later.

Honestly! Whoever thought up the code for html… What were you smoking! 😀

Speaking of which: A little while ago, I was thinking about how html could be presented in a more structured manner, I came upon the following:
It looks way more intuitive (indentation is optional. 😉 ), no? 🙂

      This is my fancy web-page
      some meta data
      some bla bla etc etc yada yada yada
<!--    div  -->
          This is my paragraph.

That is, until I discovered markdown, which has a certain elegance that only can be admired. 😉


Below you’ll find a few snippets of code, as I’ve to use them on the several social media outlets out there. And yes, I’m finally getting to the point of all this! 😀 It’s easy to infer, that one has to write a lot of extra characters, just to present a few lines of code, or whatever. It’s even easier to infer, that I don’t feel like doing so all the time! 😉

## Here you see a snippet of
## pseudocode, which continues
## on the next line.
## The following is
## what I’d actually type.
## But…
code --flag 1 -f 2 --flag 3 
-i input.file 
-o output.file

Here’s how I’d have to present it on e.g. WordPress.

A semantic personal publishing platform.

## Here’s, how I’d have to present it
## on e.g. WordPress.
code --flag 1 -f 2 --flag 3 \
-i input.file \
-o output.file

Its equivalent in (LaTeX):

## Or… as I haven’t tested it yet.
## Its equivalent in LaTeX
code --flag 1 -f 2 --flag 3 textbackslash
-i input.file textbackslash
-o output.file

Last but not the least.

## Last but not the least.
## In html, literal.
code --flag 1 -f 2 --flag 3 &amp;#x5c;
-i input.file &amp;#x5c;
-o output.file

The point:
Which is why, whenever I feel the need to write something. I don’t feel like having to go up and down my text the whole time, just to make certain, if I’ve closed every html tag properly. And I most certainly don’t feel like I have to know every html entity, by heart! 😀 I do know quite a few, but I’d happily “forget” them, in a heartbeat. Thus the contents of the file pointed out below, pertains to a nifty feature of the text-editor of my choice. Namely: Its snippets feature, another word would be: macro. Macros are good, as they “help” me forget, nasty html entities—among things—ever existed.

The file displayed below is called: global.xml And its contents can be found—on my box—here:


So, what does it do? It enables me to use shortcuts—while typing—such as: ‘dq’ for “double quotes”, or ‘aq’ for «arrow quotes», or ‘dot’ for … (&hellip;), or ‘em’ for —emdash—, and so on, and so on, and so forth… It’s far from complete – for sure – and I’ll be fine-tuning the used shortcuts over time. For now, I can say: How glad I am, to be able to just type in a more fluent motion, instead of having to recap, and retrace every step I’ve made so far. 😉

Its contents:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

<text><![CDATA[> $1

<text><![CDATA[[$1]($2 "$3") $0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" title="$1" href="$2">$3</a>$0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[**$1** $0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[_$1_ $0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[* $1
* $2
* $3
* $4

<text><![CDATA[1. $1
2. $2
3. $3
4. $4

<text><![CDATA[#### $1

<text><![CDATA[<a title="$1">$2</a>$0]]></text>
*[$1]: $2

<text><![CDATA[<acronym title="$1">$2</acronym>$0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[<table summary="$1" border="$2">
<text><![CDATA[[$1]: $2 "$3"
![Alt $3][$1]

<text><![CDATA[##### $1


<text><![CDATA[<pre class="prettyprint">
<text><![CDATA[<a name="_top"></a>
<em><a href="#_top">Back to top.</a></em>]]></text>


<text><![CDATA[$1… $0]]></text>
<text><![CDATA[[^$1] $2
[^$1]: [$3]($4 "$3")

: $2

<description>Angle brackets</description>
<description>comment (html)</description>
<text><![CDATA[$1 $0]]></text>
<description>literal character entries</description>
<description>Inline MathJax</description>

<description>Display MathJax</description>


In order to get #MathJax, and Google-code-prettify working on your blog! You first have to add a few lines near the end of the </head> section of your html, as illustrated in the code-block below, or view the following image:
We’re only interested in the highlighted part of the image.

How? Choose customize, and then edit html. After the <body> tag, an ‘onload=’ event should be inserted.

Like so:

...lots of stuff...
...and then some more...
<script type="text/javascript"
<link href="" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- prettify -->
<body onload="prettyPrint()">

Screenshot of the edit html section of my blog.

In the advanced section, you add the following as custom css. I use a light-gray background, as it contrasts best (it must stand out!) with the dark theme-colors I use. Please adjust your coloring accordingly. 😉


pre.prettyprint {font-family: 'Noticia Text', serif;font-size:0.8em;overflow-x: auto;margin: 5px 5px 5px;color: #ff6600;background-color: #d3d3d3;}

Now you should be good to go. 😉 As evidenced by all the resulting code-blocks being highlighted and all that. 😉 Onto playing with (LaTeX) it is. 😀

Here’s le me trying out the MathJax javascript engine on my tumblr, and while I’m pleased with the results so far! 😉 I regret having to notice that equations who start with begin{aligned}, and end with end{aligned}, seem to confuse the script!?

Please consider this post as a “warming up” excerice. A way for me to get comfortably in writing in: (LaTeX). 😉

The Lorenz Equations:
$$ begin{aligned} dot{x} & = sigma(y-x) dot{y} & = rho x – y – xz dot{z} & = -beta z + xy end{aligned} $$

The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality:
$$ left( sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k right)^2 leq left( sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 right) left( sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 right) $$

A Cross product formula:
$$ mathbf{V}_1 times mathbf{V}_2 = begin{vmatrix} mathbf{i} & mathbf{j} & mathbf{k} frac{partial X}{partial u} & frac{partial Y}{partial u} & 0 frac{partial X}{partial v} & frac{partial Y}{partial v} & 0 end{vmatrix} $$

The probability of getting (k) heads when flipping (n) coins is:
$$ P(E) = {n choose k} p^k (1-p)^{ n-k} $$

An Identity of Ramanujan:
$$ frac{1}{Bigl(sqrt{phi sqrt{5}}-phiBigr) e^{frac25 pi}} = 1+frac{e^{-2pi}} {1+frac{e^{-4pi}} {1+frac{e^{-6pi}} {1+frac{e^{-8pi}} {1+ldots} } } } $$

A Rogers-Ramanujan Identity:
$$ 1 + frac{q^2}{(1-q)}+frac{q^6}{(1-q)(1-q^2)}+cdots = prod_{j=0}^{infty}frac{1}{(1-q^{5j+2})(1-q^{5j+3})}, quadquad text{for $|q|<1$}. $$

Maxwell’s Equations:
$$ begin{aligned} nabla times vec{mathbf{B}} -, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{E}}}{partial t} & = frac{4pi}{c}vec{mathbf{j}} nabla cdot vec{mathbf{E}} & = 4 pi rho nabla times vec{mathbf{E}}, +, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{B}}}{partial t} & = vec{mathbf{0}} nabla cdot vec{mathbf{B}} & = 0 end{aligned} $$

Powered by Mathjax


#MathJax, and #google-code-prettify, now live. Here, and there. 😉

Tagged as: #mathjax, #latex, #javascript, #css, and #html

#MathJax, and #google-code-prettify, now live. Here, and there. 😉

Tagged as: #mathjax, #latex, #javascript, #css, and #html

Just me, trying out something new. ;-)

It’s been a while, since I looked into #mathjax, #latex, #javascript, #css, and #html. But now that I am, once again, and know how to use syntax highlighting on my tumblr, I’ll be sure to post more about it. 😉 Just keep an eye out on the pages section of this blog, as I probably will write a few dedicated pages, for you and me to peruse through, and refer to.


Here’s le me trying out the MathJax javascript engine on my tumblr, and while I’m pleased with the results so far! 😉 I regret having to notice that equations who start with begin{aligned}, and end with end{aligned}, seem to confuse the script!?

Please consider this post as a “warming up”…

Just me, trying out something new. 😉

Just me, trying out something new. ;-)

Here’s le me trying out the MathJax javascript engine on my tumblr, and while I’m pleased with the results so far! 😉 I regret having to notice that equations who start with begin{aligned}, and end with end{aligned}, seem to confuse the script!?

Please consider this post as a “warming up” excerice. A way for me to get comfortably in writing in: (LaTeX). 😉

The Lorenz Equations:
[ begin{aligned} dot{x} & = sigma(y-x) \ dot{y} & = rho x – y – xz \ dot{z} & = -beta z + xy end{aligned} ]

The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality:
[ left( sum_{k=1}^n a_k b_k right)^2 leq left( sum_{k=1}^n a_k^2 right) left( sum_{k=1}^n b_k^2 right) ]

A Cross product formula:
[ mathbf{V}_1 times mathbf{V}_2 = begin{vmatrix} mathbf{i} & mathbf{j} & mathbf{k} \ frac{partial X}{partial u} & frac{partial Y}{partial u} & 0 \ frac{partial X}{partial v} & frac{partial Y}{partial v} & 0 end{vmatrix} ]

The probability of getting (k) heads when flipping (n) coins is:
[ P(E) = {n choose k} p^k (1-p)^{ n-k} ]

An Identity of Ramanujan:
[ frac{1}{Bigl(sqrt{phi sqrt{5}}-phiBigr) e^{frac25 pi}} = 1+frac{e^{-2pi}} {1+frac{e^{-4pi}} {1+frac{e^{-6pi}} {1+frac{e^{-8pi}} {1+ldots} } } } ]

A Rogers-Ramanujan Identity:
[ 1 + frac{q^2}{(1-q)}+frac{q^6}{(1-q)(1-q^2)}+cdots = prod_{j=0}^{infty}frac{1}{(1-q^{5j+2})(1-q^{5j+3})}, quadquad text{for $|q|<1$}. ]

Maxwell’s Equations:
[ begin{aligned} nabla times vec{mathbf{B}} -, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{E}}}{partial t} & = frac{4pi}{c}vec{mathbf{j}} \ nabla cdot vec{mathbf{E}} & = 4 pi rho \ nabla times vec{mathbf{E}}, +, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{B}}}{partial t} & = vec{mathbf{0}} \ nabla cdot vec{mathbf{B}} & = 0 end{aligned} ]

Powered by MathJax


Or: All this without predefined formatting:

The Lorenz Equations:

dot{x} & = sigma(y-x) \
dot{y} & = rho x - y - xz \
dot{z} & = -beta z + xy

The probability of getting (k) heads when flipping (n) coins is:

P(E)   = {n choose k} p^k (1-p)^{ n-k}

An Identity of Ramanujan:

frac{1}{Bigl(sqrt{phi sqrt{5}}-phiBigr) e^{frac25 pi}} =
1+frac{e^{-2pi}} {1+frac{e^{-4pi}} {1+frac{e^{-6pi}}
{1+frac{e^{-8pi}} {1+ldots} } } }

A Rogers-Ramanujan Identity:

1 +  frac{q^2}{(1-q)}+frac{q^6}{(1-q)(1-q^2)}+cdots =
quadquad text{for $|q|<1$}.

Maxwell’s Equations:

nabla times vec{mathbf{B}} -, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{E}}}{partial t} & = frac{4pi}{c}vec{mathbf{j}} \
nabla cdot vec{mathbf{E}} & = 4 pi rho \
nabla times vec{mathbf{E}}, +, frac1c, frac{partialvec{mathbf{B}}}{partial t} & = vec{mathbf{0}} \
nabla cdot vec{mathbf{B}} & = 0