Focus on yourself.

Focus on Yourself.

Focus on Yourself.

officialbreeolson : 1

usofyou : 2

When I first started out as an artist, I was constantly comparing myself to the people I looked up to. I was so afraid to share anything I had done, because it wasn’t even close to what my idols were creating. When I finally realized that I was harming myself and my growth as an artist by comparing myself, I started to grow quickly. Everyone has their own story, their own influences, and their own experiences. Comparing ourselves to others is one of the most harmful things we can do to our growth as artists and as people in general.

~ foy : 3

Needed to see this.

Target : Self.

  1.  ⇌ officialbreeolson  
  2.  ⇌ usofyou 
  3.  — zacharysmithh 

The four ways to reduce stress.

The four ways to reduce stress.


Four ways to reduce stress.

Four ways to reduce stress …

  1. Release the belief, that you’re responsible for everyone, and everything. ← Message understood.
  2. Let go of perfectionism. ← Really. 😉
  3. Ask for, and accept help from others. ← Hmm … A work in progress, I must say. 😉
  4. Focus upon what’s important, and the rest will take care of itself. ← My focus needs more focus.

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The four ways to reduce stress.


Four ways to reduce stress.

Four ways to reduce stress …
  1. Release the belief, that you’re responsible for everyone, and everything. ← Message understood.
  2. Let go of perfectionism. ← Really. 😉
  3. Ask for, and accept help from others. ← Hmm … A work in progress, I must say. 😉
  4. Focus upon what’s important, and the rest will take care of itself. ← My focus needs more focus.

Posted from WordPress for Android

The Rock works out at public gyms and screams ”FOCUS”  when people stare at him to keep them focused on their workout instead of him.